Covid_19 Sanitization and disinfection protocols

- Small viral particles can hang in the air for many hours. Cleaners will wait for the majority of airborne droplets to settle (at least 3 hours) before entering the property to start the clean.
- If entry into a property is required sooner within the 3-hour timeframe for respiratory droplet settling, cleaners & staff will follow personal protective equipment (PPE) best practices (wearing mask, gloves) and follow all cleaning and disinfecting best practices to ensure safety.
- Sanitizing refers to reducing the number of germs to a safe level by cleaning. Disinfection is a separate step that comes after cleaning. If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned prior to disinfection. Disinfecting refers to killing nearly 100% of germs on surfaces or objects.
- Cleaners will safely use chemical products (such as germicides) to clean bathrooms. Cleaning products from the EPA list will be used to clean properties after each guest departure.
- Even after properties have been through a disinfection process using disinfecting products. A property cannot be guaranteed as 100% disinfected. As when a surface has been disinfected, if there are virus particles in the air, those particles may settle on the newly cleaned surface. This means that the surface is now in a sanitized state, not a disinfected state.
- Cleaners will properly dispose of gloves and use hand sanitizer when finished and BEFORE entering their vehicle and especially before touching the steering wheel.
- All field staff should continue proper handwashing protocols throughout the day and should avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- All staff (housekeepers, inspectors, maintenance technicians) should wear masks and disposable gloves.
- Gloves should be changed between properties. Hands should be washed as soon as possible after gloves are removed.
- Always wash hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds, throughout the day but especially when gloves are removed. According to the CDC, “If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used. However, if hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands with soap and water.”
- Once a mask is moist or wet it is no longer effective and should not be used anymore. For a disposable mask, discard it appropriately.
- All disinfecting products require a dwell time. Dwell time is the amount of time needed for a product “sit” on the surface and kill the viruses and microbes.
- Use disinfecting products on all major surfaces and pay attention to all high-touch areas, including doorknobs (inside and out), electronic locks, stair railings, telephones, light switches, remote controls, arms of chairs, refrigerator door handles, sliding door handles, toilets, faucets, and knobs, & clothes hangers.
- When the cleaner or inspector arrives, they can turn on all ceiling fans and/or HVAC fans. Or open a few windows to air property out if fan use is not possible.
- If a large property requires more than one cleaner or other staff member to be present, staff must ensure that proper social distancing protocols are followed (by remaining at least 6′ apart at all times and wearing masks and gloves).
- Linens and bedding should not be shaken, so as not to disperse viral particulates into the air.
- Linens and bedding should be laundered at the correct temperatures and with the correct chemical chemistry for proper cleaning and sanitization. Allow a longer dry time at the highest setting the linen will allow.
- Blankets/comforters can be triple-sheeted with freshly laundered sheets.
- Duvets with freshly washed duvet covers can be used as an alternative to comforters.
- Gloves and masks should be worn at all times during trash removal.
- Use a disinfecting product on the trash bin and place a fresh liner or bag inside.
- Minor maintenance requests that can wait until guest departure may not be able to be honored. We will only dispatch a maintenance technician or third-party vendor if the issue is truly something that needs to be handled immediately. Non-essential visits will be limited or restricted.
- It is recommended that all guests should vacate property for the maintenance tech to enter.
- Extra throw blankets, decorative pillows, or other soft objects seen in the on-line photographs may be bagged up and put away and therefore not in the home during your rental.

Safeguarding Guests & Our Team by using Masks & Gloves

Disinfectant Fogger to Prevent Spread of Virus & Bacteria

EPA-Approved Disinfectant for Cleaning all High-Touch Surfaces
Sanitizing “High-Touch” Surfaces
Wiping down doorknobs, drawer & cabinet handles, electronics, faucets, kitchenware & appliances, etc.